About Office Spinner

Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Sebastiaan. I am responsible for everything to do with the Office Spinner. You will mainly see my name on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when the weekly statistics e-mail is sent. From the very first version I have been improving this service and everything around it.
The page below describes the history of Office Spinner. For the sake of convenience, I have done everything in the I-form.
For questions and comments you can always reach me via [email protected]! Even if you have nice ideas for the site, app and/or plug-in!
You can find more information about me and / or my projects on LinkedIn or my site Enkodo .
Beer Roulette
At the start of 2015, everything started with the Beer Roulette website. Together with a group of entrepreneurs we were at the top of a multi-floor building and had to go downstairs to get coffee. After building a prototype webapp in a few days, more and more ideas came up to make it less susceptible to fraud (things like saying the names aloud).
Begin of 2015First Website (Beer Roulette) Live!
The idea of the Bier Roulette (Dutch for Beer) was that we would use the website ourselves in the office (for coffee) and that we would focus primarily on students. (Groningen is a student city after all)
After going live, we were quickly picked up by local (Groningen, the Netherlands) media such as Sikkom (A Groningen news platform).
The first variant of the Beer Roulette ( bierroulette.nl ) went live on 22 May 2015.
The retro design of the first Dutch Bier Roulette, renamed to 'Bier Roulette Classic' is almost the same webapp as it was in 2015. You can find it here .
May 22, 201550 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
June 03, 2015100 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
June 05, 2015250 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
June 12, 2015500 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
July 17, 2015Office Spinner
In September 2015 I came up with the idea to build a Chrome extension that you could use to send requests for coffee to colleagues.
In many evening hours after work the first (semi-working) Chrome extension was created, the first Dutch test version of which was released on October 21, 2015. The extension could not actually keep the name Bier (Beer) Roulette, since it was going to be used primarily in the office. That's why I came up with the name Kantoor Roulette (Office Spinner in Dutch).
September 20151000 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
October 19, 201550 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
November 11, 2015100 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
December 03, 2015Further developments
In 2016, the Office Roulette (now Office Spinner) extension was sporadically updated with new small functionalities. WebSockets support was also installed in February of that year. This made it possible to have coffee requests (real-time) appear on the screens of colleagues, thereby drastically reducing data consumption, among other things.
2016250 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
March 01, 20162500 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
March 08, 2016Office Roulette (now Office Spinner) corporate identity & website
Mid-2016 a copy of the functionality of Beer Roulette was made and converted into the Kantoor Roulette (Dutch Office Spinner) web app. This web app got a more businesslike look and some functionality was rewritten. This first version of the WebApp was designed by Arnoud Evenhuis and programmed, coded and animated by me.
The web app went live on August 22, 2016.
The first Office Spinner Logo
5000 Roulettes via the Beer Roulette website!
September 17, 2016500 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
September 28, 201650 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
January 04, 2017Version 1.0!
A year later version 1.0 of the extension was released on January 10, 2017.
In this version, all users could watch the wheel during a roulette. The fact was that after a request the wheel had to be turned manually on a special URL on the site of Office Spinner.
This was not really ideal, because every participant saw the special url after the request, which often caused problems, such as accidentally running the same roulette on two computers.
New members trickled in very slowly, but we didn't actually do marketing. It remained a side project that got its time especially in the evening hours. The number of members had meanwhile risen organically to (no less than 😅) 50 members.
January 10, 20177500 Roulettes via the Office Spinner website!
February 10, 20171000 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
May 10, 2017100 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
May 16, 2017100 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
May 16, 201710000 Roulettes via the Office Spinner website!
May 18, 201712500 Roulettes via the Office Spinner website!
July 19, 2017Insiders: Small developments and hidden features such as the Gulden Gamble ..
In the time that followed version 1.0, there were mainly minor updates and a number of functions that were only available at our own office. For example, in version 1.0.1, the 'Gulden Gamble' was built in for our own office, with this function anyone who had the crypto coin Gulden could deposit it at Office Spinner. When participating in a roulette, you then bet 0.5 guilders which was then credited to the loser of the roulette. Bringing coffee was therefore more interesting instead of annoying.
However, this feature has never been available to the public, due to the Dutch gambling rules. Yet we had a lot of fun at the office. This function has been removed again in version 2.0, because the code of the server has been rewritten.
February 2017 - August 201720000 Roulettes via the Office Spinner website!
January 31, 2018The new Office Spinner Extension
From the beginning of 2018, I was mainly focused on version 2.0 of the extension. Again until the first release of version 2.0, this was only possible in the evening hours or during weekends due to other work activities. It had no priority and the version that was live from the extension did its job just fine.
February 2018 - September 20182500 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
June 12, 201825000 Roulettes via the Office Spinner website!
June 15, 2018Full-time Office Spinner
After a major freelance job of six months, I decided to quit. In the time that became available, I decided to take 'more time' for Office Spinner. This soon results in several days a week. Until I decide to work full-time on Office Spinner.
This gave version 2.0 that was planned for the end of 2018 a huge boost in development.
August 2018Version 2.0!
The biggest update so far, version v2.0, was rolled out to all users at the end of September. Among other things, this update brought the self-spinning wheel! In addition, the entire extension was rebuilt, and it all worked just a bit better. Since then a change log has been kept in the extension, so that with new versions it is also clear what has actually changed. You can find this in the menu of the extension under the star-icon
September 2018250 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
October 06, 2018250 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
October 06, 2018New logo!
The new logo was delivered in mid-November and implemented on December 7. The new logo was designed by Suzanne Nieuman from Phanatique . The idea for the animation in the logo was created in collaboration with Foleor Digital . After which I finally animated this in CSS (with transitions).
December 07, 2018New Website Design
In recent years, the Office Spinner website was actually purely an App on the web. There was nowhere information about what it actually was, where it came from, who is the developer. That is why I asked Harco Janssen (Paperblue ) to set up a design for an informative website. This website design was delivered at the end of December 2018, after which I could front-end it to the site that you see today.
December 17, 2018The Plugin is multilingual!
The version of the extension brings the entire extension in English as an update! In the versions that follow, English language errors are slowly being solved and new translations are being added, but since this version the extension can be used perfectly for non-Dutch-speaking office colleagues!
December 19, 2018New Dutch Website Live
The main focus of the January was the new website. This month, I converted the design that Harco made earlier into a working website with some nice animations.
With the launch of the site, Office Spinner Plus accounts have also been introduced with new functionalities. The old functionalities are (and will always be) free.
500 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
February 21, 2019500 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
February 28, 20195000 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
March 14, 20191000 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
April 02, 20191500 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
April 08, 20197500 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
April 08, 201910000 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
April 19, 20192000 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
April 26, 201912500 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
May 07, 20192500 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
May 23, 201950000 Roulettes via the Office Spinner website!
June 07, 201920000 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
July 05, 201925000 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
August 21, 2019OfficeRoulette.com (now OfficeSpinner.com) launch!
On October 8th the international Office Spinner website was officially launched using Product Hunt.
October 08, 20195000 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
November 28, 2019New name for Pro: Plus!
Plus accounts have been used on the site since mid-December. This naming is a bit more friendly and fits more in what you get. The functionality has not changed, but will be expanded further.
December 15, 201950000 Roulettes Office Spinner Extension/App Roulettes!
January 17, 20207500 Office Spinner Extension/App Members!
June 18, 2021Office Spinner version 3.0
A year and a half after the last update of Office Spinner, and 3 years after version 2, we released version 3! A new design and everything rewritten so that everything is future-proof and expandable again.
November 08, 2021